Upcoming Events

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January 26 - February 23 | Marriage isn’t just about the vows you say on your wedding day—it’s about living them out when life gets tough. With God’s strength, your vows can go beyond a promise made at the altar—they can become a lasting, holy commitment that shapes


Sneaker Ball 

February 21 + 28 | Lace up those kicks and get ready to party at the Sneaker Ball! This is no ordinary dance—it's where fancy meets fun! 


Welcome To Mountain

Looking to take a next step? Connect with others, ask questions about faith, the purpose of the church, and discover your next step at Welcome To Mountain. Find the next gathering at your campus!


Ash Wednesday

March 5 | Participate in a service of prayer, confession, and imposition of ashes.


Vow Renewal Ceremony

March 15 | Take a moment to reaffirm your past promises and look forward to your future together. 


Parent Child Dedication

March 2025 | Take part in a special service where families commit to raising their children in a Christian home.


Campus Groups | Spring Study

January 2025 | This spring we dive into Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer. If you followed Jesus around for a day, you would see him live by a set of practices. This study is designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. 


Blended Family Class

April 2025 | Marriage is hard and blending a family adds its own unique stressors. Joy is found, however, in the privilege of growing together as a complex and completely unique entity with Christ leading the way.


Rooted Groups

January 2025  | Join in an opportunity to experience what it means to be a better disciples of Jesus! Deadline to sign up is January 5th


Milligan at Mountain

Spring 2025 | Come and learn! Milligan at Mountain is designed for anyone who desires to grow spiritually and intellectually.


Share The Struggle

Spring 2025 | Life is tough at times, we've all been there, in fact some of us are there now. If you or someone you know is in need of care, we want to help. Experience community with others who can relate to what you're going through


GO Trips 

Summer 2025 | If you are in it for GOOD then now is the time to share the invitation with the world! And now is the time to come alongside our global missionaries on a GO Trip!


Summer Camps 2025

Summer Camps 2025 registration is now open! Camp gets kids and students away from everyday life to experience something new. Click here to learn more!


Discover the Bible Weekend

March 28 + 29 | Discover the story the Bible tells, and find your place in it!


Young Adults | Summer Weekend

June 6 - 8 | Join the Young Adults for a 3-day weekend retreat!


Estate Planning Seminars

Spring 2025 | Start planning your future. Register today for an upcoming seminar!


Child Sponsorship

We feel called by Christ to make a difference in the lives of children. Through global partnerships, children in Kenya, Ecuador, Peru, or Romania will receive food, basic medical care, and a Christian education through your monthly commitment. Bring hope to a child today.


Kids Baptism Class

Attend this class with your child to help better prepare them for making a personal decision to dedicate their life to Jesus. 


Become A Difference Maker

You don't need special qualifications, just a willingness to serve. So if you're not serving somewhere in the church, we encourage you to find a place to jump in. Just text “Serve” to 94062.


Courageous Conversations for Couples

March 2025 | Whether you are dating, engaged, or you have been married for years, every couple can learn and grow from this seminar. 


Young Adults Night 

March 7 | Join Young Adults for a night of food, community, worship and hangs. 


Meal Deal Thursday Night Church

We are pulling two incredible things together as a part of our Thursday Night Service. Food + Church! Can you think of any combination better than that?


Young Adults Open Volleyball

Spring 2025 | Join other young adults this fall for Volleyball at the Mountain Road Campus!  


Mountain Sports

If you are interested in joining a league within the sports ministry, select a sport for more details & to register!


Senior Retreat

March 28-30 | Register your class of 2025 senior for this amazing experience!


Freed Up

Spring 2025 | Join in and discover how to align your finances with your faith and step into financial freedom.


Mountain Kids Story Hour

September-May | Story Hour is a time for moms and their children to come together for stories, crafts, and worship. Click to learn more!

Students Groups

Fall-Spring | Real conversations. Life-long friendships. Adult leaders who truly care. Join a students group today!


Young at Heart

September-June | The Young at Heart group attempts to provide opportunities to keep on keeping on.


Mt. 54 | Grades 4-5

Fall-Spring | Come enjoy the fun on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings!