Regathering Updates

Updated AUGUST 20, 2021 aT 5:30 pm

Mountain has added back the opportunity for in-person weekly services at Mountain. While it's true that not everyone is ready to return to in-person services, there's a real need and longing for an in-person connection. The reality of the Coronavirus is still serious, but the team has done good work to make sure gathering spaces are safe. All participants at in-person services will be encouraged to "love one another" by following the UPDATED safety guidelines.   

Mountain continues to worship weekly both in-person and online. Recently, COVID rates have spiked, and our region has been identified in the category of “substantial” risk of transmission. In response, Mountain seeks to keep our mission moving forward while being good neighbors to one another and caring for the vulnerable among us.

There’s no new mandates about masks or anything from the governor, so Mountain has not created one. But all Mountain staff and volunteers who are working indoors will be masked up, and everyone is encouraged to be aware of the latest CDC recommendations to reduce exposure – vaccinations, masking, distancing. More information on guidelines and precautions is available HERE.

Regardless of how you attend, online or in-person, it's important to keep lifting our eyes to the Lord regularly through weekly worship experiences. 

In-Person Services 

AberdeenAbingdon, Edgewood, and Mountain Road campuses are hosting in-person services with kids' programs for birth through 5th grade. These services are open to the public, so you can invite friends to be part of in-person services.

Current Service Times

Aberdeen Campus | Sundays at 9:15 and 11 AM
Abingdon Campus | Sundays at 9:15 and 11 AM, and Mondays at 7 PM
Edgewood Campus | Sundays at 9:15 and  11 AM
Mountain Road Campus | Thursdays* at 7 PM, and Sundays at 9:15 and 11 AM
*more details

Online Services

Church can be wherever you are!

Current Service Times

Saturdays at 5 PM | Sundays at 8, 9:15 and 11 AM

Staying connected to the church community in other ways is just as important. So engage and “draw near to God” and one another in additional ways through Mountain.

Worship online with those in your home or in watch parties together with friends. Meet with others in safe, physical environments or online. Ask God how YOU could be a part of helping the new Aberdeen Campus continue after a strong launch, whether through praying, serving, or giving. Find hope and healing through Celebrate Recovery. Serve the community through Second Saturday Serve and Food Giveaways. Remember Mountain in your prayers and your generosity as we continue to dream together about what God will do in the days ahead.

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Courageous Conversations for Couples

March 2025 | Whether you are dating, engaged, or you have been married for years, every couple can learn and grow from this seminar. 


John Raccioppi 



Brad Lembach