Unstoppable Global Good... Are you in it for good? 

To donate to a GO Trip see list of current trips below.

Click HERE to read blogposts from current and former trips. 

Don’t you love a BIG banquet! A feast replete with beautiful tables and plentiful food. While we can enjoy this type of celebration here and now, as Christ followers, we look forward to the ultimate feast in God’s Kingdom. Jesus has invited us to feast at HIS table but there are millions of people who do not know they are invited. Let’s GO out around God’s world and tell everyone they are invited to the banquet!

If you are in it for GOOD then now is the time to share the invitation with the world! 

People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God. -Luke 13:29

Click *HERE for a GO Trip introduction from Glocal Pastor, Tom Moen

2024 GO Trips

All 2024 trips have been completed! To read about them, check out the blog HERE.

Unstoppable Global Good

Reverse Mission Trip FROM Asia
Dates | July 30-August 13

  • We will receive 40-50 students from Asia with LEAF Cultural Exchange and host them in our area for inter-cultural experiences. 
              Life-long learning for students.
              Empathy and understanding for others. 
              Authentic engagement and interactions. 
              Fun as students explore. 
  • Provide 25-30 homes for hospitality and transportation for students/leaders and invite students into family life.
              We are recruiting homes that can receive 2 students (2 males or 2 females) to invite them into your family for these 10 days. During this period, the group will have many of their own planned activities and may only need transportation to and from the Mountain Road Campus.
  • If interested, please click the button above to contact Patty Genco for more details. 

HArford County
Second Saturday Serve
Cost | FREE

  • The second Saturday of every month
  • See website above for more serving details

Guinea Bissau West Africa
Hisportic Christian Mission
Dates | February 1-13 (This Team is FULL)

  • Kids Games and VBS
  • Community Visits
  • Prayer Vigil/Walking

Foundry Church | S. Baltimore
Dates | June 29 - 30 
Cost | $250 (THIS TEAM IS FULL)

  • Prayer Walking
  • Projects/repairs
  • Neighborhood and Park Outreach
  • Youth Sports Outreach
  • Prepare/Serve Breakfast for homeless communities
  • Serve and worship with The Foundry

Kenya (Nairobi)
Missions of Hope International 
Dates | June 23-July 5
Cost | $3500 (THIS TEAM IS FULL)

  • Vacation Bible School
  • Skills Training (electric, plumbing, sewing, baking)
  • Community Visits

Agape Mission NE Brazil
Dates | July 19-July 28
Cost | $2700 (THIS TEAM IS FULL)

  • Children, Teen and Young Adult outreach
  • Sports Camps (Soccer, Football and Volleyball)
  • Outreach Parties

Global Scope Campus Min El Pozo
Dates | September 21-28
Cost | $1500 (THIS TEAM IS FULL)

  • College Age/Young Adult Outreach
  • Maintenance to Ministry House (Clean, Paint, Organize)

Global Scope Grapevine Campus Min
DATES | October 12-23

  • Sports Ministry Outreach (ultimate frisbee, basketball, soccer)
  • Teaching English (conversational)
  • Outreaches in the local parks (games and activities)

If you have any questions about GO Trips or would like to be emailed when the 2025 teams are being formed, feel free to email Patty Genco

next steps

Child Sponsorship | Kenya

We feel called by Christ to make a difference in the lives of children. Through global partnerships, children in Kenya, Ecuador or Romania will receive food, basic medical care, and a Christian education through your monthly commitment. Bring hope to a child today.


Child Sponsorship | Ecuador or Peru

We feel called by Christ to make a difference in the lives of children. Through global partnerships, children in Kenya, EcuadorPeru, or Romania will receive food, basic medical care, and a Christian education through your monthly commitment. Bring hope to a child today.


Child Sponsorship | Romania 

We feel called by Christ to make a difference in the lives of children. Through global partnerships, children in Kenya, Ecuador or Romania will receive food, basic medical care, and a Christian education through your monthly commitment. Bring hope to a child today.