Both Ecuador and Peru have a high number of broken families. Many mothers are head of the home, and many fathers have multiple homes and families. This results in even more extreme poverty as the fathers cannot provide for multiple households. Poverty often leads to abuse, and many women are victims of abuse from the men in their lives. Many children in Ecuador are being raised in this environment which interferes with healthy development particularly with their sense of confidence and self-esteem. With your help Compassion is fighting poverty and creating hope one child at a time.

Compassion began its ministry in Ecuador in 1974 and in Peru in 1980. As part of the Child Sponsorship Program, children attend the child development centers after school mostly. Each child receives lunch every day he or she is at the center. A typical lunch consists of soup containing carbohydrates or vegetables and meat, and a main dish containing carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables. Some centers offer snacks to the children before they go home as well, and it is very common for children under age 5 to get additional food. Generally, church partners offer soccer, art, music, dance and liturgy as extracurricular activities.

For $43/month you can provide hope to a child, give them an opportunity to become a follower of Jesus Christ and escape the trap of poverty and hopelessness. When children find out they've been sponsored, the joy they feel is indescribable. Just knowing that someone across the globe cares means more than you can imagine. Sponsoring a child in need will profoundly change the future for your child, and will change your own life as well. Click the button below if you interested in sponsoring a child from Ecuador or Peru through Compassion International. 

If you have any questions about Child Sponsorship contact Patty Genco
Sponsor a Child