Generosity Journey
We’re all on a journey. And when our path syncs up with Jesus, then we really hit our stride. Around Mountain, we call that the Mountain Walk: Love God, Love People, and Serve the World. That’s the simplest way we know how to describe following Jesus. And one of the most beautiful and exhilarating parts of that journey is learning to Give Generously, a path that could look something like this…
Initial Giver
Wow, what an amazing first step! The risk, the trust, the thrill—an Initial Giver experiences the joy of responding to God by releasing some of their resources for a purpose larger than themselves and giving for the first time. Everybody starts somewhere. Welcome to the generosity journey.
Consistent Giver
A Consistent Giver is someone who creates a habit. Their commitment to give runs deep enough to become a discipline that they exercise regularly. Their generosity reflects their desire to walk consistently with Jesus and pursue his will. Often, this person will take the significant step of setting up a recurring gift online. One doesn’t have to give online to be consistent, of course; online giving is simply one tool to further establish this rewarding discipline in a person’s life.
Priority Giver
A Priority Giver has begun to learn the theology of “Nachos.” Huh? “Nachos” as in: “Not Yours.” Meaning that all the stuff you have is really not yours. It’s God’s. Even the capacity to create and build wealth is a gift from God. As a result, this person begins to thank and acknowledge God for all they’ve received AND honor God by giving the first and best of what they have to the Lord through his church. This person’s priorities have been reshuffled by God. They think about their commitment to give first and then make their saving and spending decisions after that, as opposed to their saving and spending decisions determining their giving. This person experiences the freedom of serving “one master” and declaring that Jesus is first.
Surrendered Giver
“Nachos” theology leads the Surrendered Giver to discover how to honor God with 100 percent of their resources. Jesus fully surrendered himself for us, and this person responds with a surrendered life. This giver would say, “My giving is not just changing my spending and saving; it’s also changing me!” They also look at what they’re not giving away and ask, “Is it surrendered too?” This informs how they use everything they’ve been blessed and entrusted with—whether that be through direct monetary giving or through a God-honoring use of an existing resource (e.g. honoring God with the use of one’s home, business, etc.)
Eternal Giver
An Eternal Giver takes a long view. They think long-term about the impact of generosity over their lifetime and beyond, making decisions in light of eternity. They think of what home they buy, what car they purchase, how much savings they choose to keep, all in relation to the impact on their capacity for generosity to God’s mission. An Eternal Giver might be someone who has a lifetime giving goal which puts every other decision in perspective. Much like a Surrendered Giver makes a commitment that will govern their monthly and annual decisions, an Eternal Giver makes a lifetime or longer-term giving commitment that governs their larger-item purchases like homes, cars, investments, and the like. An Eternal Giver experiences the deep joy of leaving a legacy that outlives them.