at Mountain

God loved us first,
so we give our first and best.

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*Please be aware that Mountain is charged a transaction fee of 2-3% of the donated amount for credit card donations. The fee for donations from your checking account is negligible.

Mountain People

God loved us first, so we give our first and best.

Jesus lived open-handedly, and that’s why we open our hands to be generous with what God provides. We’re blessed to be a blessing. And we celebrate how giving to God’s mission makes a difference in the world and also transforms us. What we do with our money affects our heart. As we become more generous, we grow in trust, contentment, gratitude, and joy.

God is generous, and so are we. Radical generosity has been a hallmark of the church ever since it began. As we respond to Jesus and follow him on the Mountain Walk, we are rooted in these core beliefs.

It’s all God’s money

God owns it all. We are stewards of what God graciously puts in our hands—however much or little. We recognize that even the ability to produce wealth is a gift from God. We ask ourselves “how much of God’s money will we keep?”

We give “off the top”

We give God the first portion of whatever resources God provides. Ten percent (a “tithe”) is a good biblical practice. Prioritizing generosity to God’s mission through the church is a way of making God first in our lives. For where our treasure is, our heart will be also.

Mountain People
Mountain People

We’re blessed to be a blessing

With the early church, we remember that we have been enriched in every way so that we can be generous on every occasion, and our generosity overflows in thanksgiving to God (2 Corinthians 9:11).

We trust God to provide

God loves us as a caring parent who gives good gifts to his children. Giving generously reflects our trust in God’s faithful provision as we live with gratitude and contentment.

We give to a mission

This church thing is not about us. It’s about the world God loves. God wants to flood his world with his goodness and grace and healing power, and as we unleash our resources, we get to be partners in a mission that’s so much bigger than us, lasting into eternity.

We say “yes” to God and “no” to greed

The love of money is a powerful idol in our culture. We commit to serving God with our resources and curb our appetites for accumulating more than we need. We spend less in order to give more to what matters.

Mountain People

Other Ways To Give

TEXT-TO-GIVE | Text an amount to 410-346-3MCC (410-346-3622), and a donation will be made to Mountain's general fund. The first time you text, you will be prompted for credit card and account information. Future donations through text will happen automatically without a prompt.

STORED RESOURCES | Mountain accepts many forms of stored resources such as stocks, IRA charitable contributions, and tangible personal property. Click on the gift acceptance policy to find out more, or contact the Finance office to inquire about giving stored resources.

MEMORIAL GIVING | Giving to Mountain Christian in memory of your loved one is a beautiful and significant way to honor their memory. It not only commemorates their life but also extends their legacy through support for the church's ministries and community services.



Mountain Christian Church is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. For more information on ECFA, click here.