2025 mission
expansion opportunities
hidden with christ!
Did you know that, as a Christian, your life is now hidden with Christ in God? Check out Colossians 3:1-4
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ,set your hearts on things above, where Christ is,
seated at the right
hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden
Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Knowing our position is secure IN Christ gives us peace of mind! We know whose we are, who we are and where we are. In a
world of ever shifting and competing ideas it is SO important that Christ is our anchor. This is truly a message we
need to share with a world that is adrift with hollow and misguided philosophies.
Consider your part in any of the following Mission Expansion Opportunities and, from our position of being hidden
with Christ, let’s be prepared to be on Mission WITH Jesus wherever He leads us.
GO Trip Intro Video Opportunites Overview Video
Go Trip Opportunities
To donate to a GO Trip see list of current trips below.
Click HERE to read blog posts from current and
former trips.
Harford County
Second Saturday Serve
Dates | The second Saturday of every month.
Cost | Free
Second Saturday Serve
Guinea Bissau
Hisportic Christian Mission
Dates | February 7-17 (this team is full)
Goals | Kids games and VBS. Community visits. Prayer vigil and walking.
Click Here to Support the Team
Christian Missionary Fellowship
Aaron and Diane Lincoln
Dates | April 15-23 (this team is full)
Goals | Easter outreach preparation. Community visits. Prayer vigil and walking.
Cost | $1500
Click Here to Support the Team
Missions of Hope International
Dates | June 20 - July 2
Goals | Kids games and VBS. Community visits. Prayer vigil and walking.
Cost | $3200
Click Here to Support the Team
Agape Mission NE Brazil
Dates | July 24 - August 5
Goals | Children, teen and young adult outreach. Worship team training. Evening open air outreach
Cost | $2700
CMF Globalscope | Grapevine
Dates | October 11-23
Goals | Campus Ministry to college students, including sports ministry outreach (Ultimate frisbee, basketball and soccer), teaching English (Conversational), and outreaches in the local parks (Games and activities).
Cost | $3500
Hosting Opportunities
If you are interested in hosting, please email pattygenco@mountaincc.org
Reverse Mission Trip From Asia
Dates | July 13-25
Info | We will receive 40-50 students from Asia with
LEAF Cultural Exchange and host them in our area for inter-cultural
Life-long learning for students.
Empathy and understanding for
Authentic engagement and interactions.
Fun as students explore.
Provide 25-30 homes for hospitality and transportation for students/leaders and invite students into family
We are recruiting homes that can receive 2 students (2 males or 2 females) to invite them into your family for
these 13 days. During this period, the group will have many of their own planned activities and may only need
transportation to and from the Towson University Northeast (TUNE) Center near Harford Community College
Let’s show our Asian friends some good Maryland hospitality. There will be time for you and your family to take
your students around the area and appreciate all that Harford/Baltimore Counties have to offer.
Global Impact Celebration (GIC)
Dates | November 8-17
Info | We will receive 30-40 Missionaries who are supported by Mountain Christian Church. This is our 6th
triennial gathering and has become a highlight for our church to celebrate what God is doing around HIS world
through our cross-cultural Mission Partners. We need lots of hosts to take care of and love on our special
friends… that could be YOU! The week is filled with LOTS of activities for them to enjoy so coming “home” to a
welcoming family will be great!
Mission Advancement Opportunities
The Perspectives Course | Mobilizing God's People for God's Global Purpose
Dates | Sundays, September 7 - December 14
How is your perspective? Want to get a better understanding of God’s Perspective? This 15-week course will help us
see the world as God sees it as we learn to appreciate His vision of ALL nations, tongues, and tribes.
The Perspectives Course is a humble offering endeavoring to align with God’s purpose. We enable
people to understand His glorious purpose and the unique role He has designed for each Christ-follower in making His
Name known.
For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.
Romans 11:36
Disaster Relief Trips
Relief trips will resume, with the first trip scheduled for March 16–22, 2025.
Learn More
Contact Patty Genco at pattygenco@mountaincc.org.