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Mountain Christian Church (MCC) facilities are very active, as Mountain believes our buildings and campuses are a resource to be stewarded well. It’s long been a vision of Mountain to have facilities that are not sitting empty all week long, but rather being used to serve for and care for the community around us. Mountain sees our campuses as a center of activity and community, where all are welcome, which does lead to some pretty busy building use schedules. Our primary purpose is to reach out with unconditional love to all people and to grow followers of Jesus, which impacts directly how we use our facilities. We have many active ministries to children, students, and adults, along with weekly community outreach programs that operate within our campuses. These ministries are given priority in how our facilities are used as they work to help us advance the mission God has given us. Our first priority is unapologetically to support the ministries, programs, and needs of MCC and our church partners. Next, priority is given to non-profit groups that are supported by MCC, and finally to other organizations or individuals. Mountain has a number of long-standing relationships with several community mission partners for ongoing use. New availability for this type of ongoing use is limited, but may be considered on a case by case basis. Local organizations and individuals also use Mountain’s facilities for special events or short term purposes. There are many times when the beautiful spaces we have been blessed with are available to be used in a way that can support other organizations or individuals. We are honored to make these spaces available for various events and functions as these spaces are available. If you are interested in learning more about what it may look like to use a space on a Mountain Campus, connect with the MCC Facilities Department where the request will be overseen by the Director of Operations. These requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Approval of the use of MCC’s campuses and facilities does not constitute or imply our endorsement of a group or their mission. Groups approved to use our campuses or facilities are not permitted to advertise the event in such a way as to imply endorsement by MCC. No activities or advocacy may take place within our facilities or on our campus that conflicts with the mission, vision, values, or beliefs of Mountain Christian Church.
Terms and Conditions can be read here.
I, the undersigned, acknowledge and affirm that I am authorized to submit this application for facility usage on behalf of myself or the organization, business, or group that I represent. I affirm that I am 21 years of age or older. If this application is approved, I will be responsible for the function using the facility and that either myself or an authorized representative of my organization will remain on premises throughout the period for which the facility is reserved (or until the function ends). I understand that, by submitting this application, I am not committing to a final reservation, nor is Mountain Christian Church, by receiving this application, committing any facility use, goods, or services to me. This is not a contract and is not binding in any way.