The Movies Come  to Church!

April 24 – June 2, 2025

Movies are coming to life at Mountain! Experience your favorite films in a whole new way. Put yourself in the picture – find truth in your favorite films during At The Movies*, only at Mountain Christian Church!

Come to a campus in-person or watch online for a new movie each week. Bring a friend or watch it together online!

*Important Note - Due to copyright limitations with the movies this presents some challenges since we cannot publish them for on-demand viewing, so be sure to tune in each weekend!

Next Steps

Welcome To Mountain

Looking to take a next step? Connect with others, ask questions about faith, the purpose of the church, and discover your next step at Welcome To Mountain. Find the next gathering at your campus!



Life is better in community. Find a group to join at a campus, online or at a home. 



Give of your talent and time in service. Be a blessing, serve at the church, locally in the community, or globally.