soul health

How is it with your soul?

During this series, we’re invited to come closer and be aware of God’s presence. We’re going to learn some ways to keep our soul healthy. Maybe there’s a little part of you that’s hungry for more? Awesome - let’s dig in!

Sometimes we go through life and we’re just disconnected from God. Have you been there before? We drift and get busy and out of touch from God.

You look around and wonder, “what’s that burning smell?” And then you realize that it’s your own self burning out. We can get so busy doing all of this stuff for God, but not always really connected or paying attention to what God wants to do in us.

When you are alive to God, everything in your life gets better.

When you remain connected, stay close and feed off of God, you will live. The way we stay alive to God is to stay connected to Jesus.

How is it with your soul?

As you interact with others, live your life, go to work and school… How is it with your soul?

Watch or listen to the message from the Stayin' Alive series - How Is It With Your Soul?

What is your SOUL?

The Greek word for soul is psuche (psoo-KAY). This is the deepest part of what makes you uniquely you. Biblically understood, the human soul is inextricably bound together - canNOT be separated - with your whole life.

Soul = Psuche = Life
Your soul is your whole LIFE.
You don’t HAVE a soul, you ARE a soul.
Your soul is the most true thing about you.

How is it with your soul?

Are you alive to God in the way you’re living your life?

Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Your soul drives everything you care about.

Life with God happens when we say yes to God and we’re alive for the first time. What happens after that is important too! Pay attention to how healthy your soul is.

Let’s get practical!

Throughout this series we’re going to get practical and put these things into action. So take a minute and grab a piece of paper and pen or open the notes app on your device. This is serious stuff and the work we’re doing can be transformative, I hope you’ll participate fully. Today we’re going to make two lists…

What are the symptoms of poor soul health?
When you have good physical health, there are symptoms that tell us you’re doing well. You have good color, you’re feeling good. We are all also very aware that there are negative health symptoms - fever, loss of taste and smell, etc.
Your soul has positive and negative health symptoms too.

No one sets out with the desire to trash the wellbeing of their soul. We go out running hard after life and we just forget, and then we forget that we forgot. When we get into this space, whether for a season or a while, symptoms start to appear. These are particular to YOUR soul.

What’s going on when you’re not spiritually healthy? What leaks out? What things pop up? These are your symptoms of Soul Neglect.

Maybe you've noticed different times in your life when you're more irritable, emotionally flat, or selfish. Think about it. These are examples of symptoms of Soul Neglect. What are yours?

What are the symptoms of soul health?
These are the traits you feel and notice about yourself when you’re in a good place with God. Think of a time when you were close with God - might be recently or a long time ago. It doesn’t mean that everything in life was easy, but you felt connected to God during that season. What leaked out of you?

Maybe you've had seasons when you're filled with gratitude, more empathetic to others, or patient. Think about it. These are examples of symptoms of Soul Health. What are yours?

Which list do you want to live out of? We get to decide!

Our awareness of God’s presence is the key difference about being alive to God or not.

Remember and realize that God is closer than you think.

Over the next few weeks, we’re going to look at some helpful practices to help us keep Stayin’ Alive to God. I hope you’ll continue on the journey!