Day 14 | Celebration

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Day 14 | Celebration

Dec, 14 2021
Audio only

There are a few precious times in life where we are just bursting with joy. These are the happy exclamation marks and happy face emojis in the midst of life. When you want to dance around with a friend or sing a song. We hear that same joy in Mary through the lyrics to her song Luke 1: 46-55.

God is going to fulfill his promises! God is bringing a revolution to the way things are in this world! God has not forgotten us and is stepping in with his strong power to put things right! 

Listen to Johann Sebastian Bach’s musical interpretation to Mary’s song to continue your reflection time with a moment of worship. All songs mentioned in the Advent Reflections Podcast can be found on Mountain’s YouTube Channel at or on Spotify by searching for the playlist “MCC Advent”

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