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What's the Word?


Thanksgiving Weekend

Life On Mission

“Life on Mission"" offers clear Bible teaching designed to empower to you share your faith with people right in your own neighborhood. People who really matter to God are all around you and God has given you the incredible assignment of inviting them to come home. Life on Mission will inspire and equip you to do that.


When it comes to money everybody feels the stretch. We want our dollars to stretch farther, do more. Hands are out toward us wanting something from us, stretching our charity and our patience and our hearts in all directions. God wants to stretch us too. Stretch our hearts. Stretch our impact.


TORN. There are torn pages in books, torn photos in an album, and torn muscles that set us back. Then there are also Torn Dreams. Torn Families. Torn Hearts and Torn Lives. We all know the pain between the life we hoped for and the life we now live. But the torn part of us is not the end of

What's Love Got To Do With It

Whatever "It" you're talking about, love changes completely everything about "It." What's love got to do with my job? My family? My sisters and brothers? my kids? My marriage? My community? My in-laws? My school? My serving? My church?

A.K.A. God

"What's in a name?" When it comes to God - everything. With so many crazy ideas about who God is and what God is like, let's listen to what God says about God. But be forewarned: it will totally change what you think about God. And it will change your life.

Spoke and Hub

We're all trying to keep the wheel of our life rolling along. Some of us are moving smoothly, while others are dealing with a slow leak, too much pressure, or a blowout that leaves us stranded. Life is more than a joy ride, so let's think seriously about where God's calling us to go and how we're going to get there.