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Pushing the Limits

We think life is best without restrictions. We push the limits in our schedules only to burn ourselves out. We ignore boundaries in relationships, ending up feeling hurt, empty, or used. We rarely say “no,” constantly grasp for more, and push the limits in nearly every arena of life. But what if instead, we pushed for limits? Discover how boundaries

Strange Christmas

Christmas celebrates the almighty God coming to us as a humble baby in a stable. It’s a strange and quite other-worldly thought. But what he brings is even stranger - LOVE to the neglected, PEACE to the anxious, JOY to the depressed, HOPE to the cynical. These are the stranger things of Christmas. Strange, not only because they’re so scarce

Unleash Love

God loves us and pursues us whether we love him back or not. He unleashes his love to us without distinction or hesitation, and he calls us to love others in the same way. That’s the church at its best. That’s people living the way they were created to live - secure in God’s love and set free to love

100: Trusting God With All You've Got

100 is a perfect mark on a test. It also says you’re keeping it real. It can mean you’re giving 100% or you’re fully on board. We might have aspirations of “keeping it 100” with God, but we all know we don’t live up to those ideals. It’s hard to truly and purely trust God with everything we have—especially when

Take a Step

When life seems all uphill, the way is hard and the days are long, you dig deep for strength to take the next step. When you’re stuck, bogged down or confused, the only way forward is to take a step. When you’ve gone down the wrong path and made a mess of things, life won’t be fixed in one fell

Still Standing

Few things can endure the test of time. Foundations crumble, trends come and go, and we will all return to dust. But still standing through all the ebbs and flows of history is Faith built on the rock of Christ. Generation after generation has been grounded in this Faith, through achievements and failures, growth and decline. This ancient Faith has

Surprise the World

You might think Christians are anything but surprising. And Jesus and the church may seem rather drab or tame. But the real Jesus, along with people who are truly following close at his feet, has the power to change the world in startling ways. Let’s break out of the mundane, see Jesus for who he really is, and take hold

The Jesus Question

Many of us come to church with lots of questions. And while in many ways Jesus is “The Answer,” he also asked a lot of questions. Why are you so afraid? Why do you doubt? Do you want to get well? Jesus may possess the answers that we seek, but he also asks the questions we need to hear. Let’s

Carlos Whittaker

Chances are you’ve heard of musician, thought leader, blogger and communicator Carlos Whittaker and just didn’t realize it. Maybe you know him because of a certain Beyonce “Single Ladies” viral video that received a People’s Choice Award or from his segment on TLC’s “LA Ink”, leading worship for the President Of The United States at the White House, or maybe