

It’s easy to think that Jesus calls us to go on a spiritual journey. He does, of course. But what do our physical bodies have to do with that? Are they a nuisance holding us back from the spiritual destinations we seek? Or are our bodies critical vehicles to carry us down the road where Jesus calls? One thing’s for sure: we only got one body. And what we do with it is up to us. Let’s discover how Every Body Matters.

Eat | #EveryBodyMatters

4/30/17 | Ben Cachiaras

Sleep | #EveryBodyMatters

5/7/2017 | Rob Kastens

Think | #EveryBodyMatters

5/14/2017 | Luke Erickson

Move | #EveryBodyMatters

5/21/2017 | Ben Cachiaras

Connect | #EveryBodyMatters

5/28/2017 | Nathan McDade