
Weekly Series | March 30th – April 20th 

What if we’ve misunderstood who Jesus is and why He matters? The real Jesus is not ordinary, or boring. He is stunning! When He walked the earth, He shocked the world, challenged traditions, and forced a radical choice to follow him and live or reject him and die. Nothing has changed. In this series of messages, we want to peel back the layers of church tradition and some of our own watered-down conceptions of Jesus and try to see the real Jesus lifted before us straight from the pages of scripture. When the REAL Jesus begins to shape us, we will stand out as starkly as he did. People today are thirsty for something True, looking for real Hope, craving some way for life to make sense and find their purpose. The Source of it all is Jesus. It’s just that nobody knows it or believes it. Jesus said if he was lifted up, he would draw everyone to himself. In this series we will do just that. And if we do it right, many will find exactly what they are looking for in the stunning presence of Jesus. 

Series begins March 30th and continues through March 20th.

Come be part of it In-Person or Online