Internship Details

Want to know what you’re getting into? Each Semester in Ministry internship is developed around these core components, working together to provide a comprehensive experience unlike any other.

Academic Training

Interns are able to earn 15 hours of academic credit through their internship (6 internship credits, 9 academic credits). All interns take three academic classes—two common to the whole group and open to members of the church and one unassigned to accommodate the specific needs of each intern. This full semester of credit allows them to move forward toward their academic goals while integrating their academic training with the realities of ministry life.

Professional Experience

Interns serve as fully functioning members of the church pastoral staff, attending the same meetings and sharing the same responsibilities. Each intern reports to a supervisor who is a veteran member of the staff team. Supervisors work with the intern to craft a job description that will push the intern to learn as much as they can and contribute as much as possible. You will have the ministry opportunities that you need to develop as a leader and prepare for your future.

Spiritual Formation

This aspect of the program invites interns to attend to their character more than their skills, to their spiritual formation as much as their academic formation. Through peer group interaction, regular conversations with a mentor, personal reading and the direction of the church staff, each intern will be challenged to concentrate on becoming the person God is calling him/her to be. Personal formation is at the heart of the program.

Staff and Community Support

Support is fostered on a number of levels within the internship experience—among the cohort of students serving as interns, within the church staff and ministry teams, and, finally, within the context of a wider church body.

This entire experience is to be done in the context of a cohort of students who are all learning together. Cohort groups meet weekly for ministry training, spiritual formation, case studies, reading reports, etc. They participate in several key retreats throughout the semester as well as explore various places in the Northeast alongside different church members, including a trip to NYC to meet with church planters currently partnered with Mountain Christian Church.

While only a few staff members are assigned as supervisors or mentors to the interns in a given semester, the whole staff team shares the responsibility of giving the interns a chance to lead and serve. As a community, we are committed to the service of the church.

And, finally, interns are intentionally integrated into the life of the church through meals with church families, social experiences, etc. They are matched with host families from Mountain Christian Church from the very beginning and, together, share meals, living space, and experiences related to the wider church body.

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