B.L.E.S.S. | Eat

EAT | Part 3 | B.L.E.S.S.

What if we became more intentional with how we used our meal times? What if we became more thoughtful and relational about who we eat our meals with?

Something special happens when we eat with others. It’s not about what’s on the table, it’s about who is around the table. When we invite, include and welcome others to a meal it deepens friendships and good things happen.

Something as simple as sharing food with someone can be a powerful way to BLESS others. Plan ahead to share a meal with someone and invite Jesus to show up, because when we are with others around a table with food, good things are going to happen.

Go deeper on this topic of being on mission by eating with others at MountainCC.org/BlessEat.

Click here to view the video version of the message from this week.