Wish You Were Here | It's Time To Get Your Hands Dirty

How do we really love people? We serve them.

God is transforming us, conforming us, he’s molding us into something beautiful and something useful. As you live your whole life for Christ, God says I will take that...

He "is the potter and we are the clay," and he is doing marvelous work in our lives! To walk with Christ means to be fully devoted to him, being like him. A life of sacrifice, serving others and caring for others. Christ followers step up, show up and they show off Jesus. Serving isn’t just when it’s convenient for you. It’s not about whether serving fits into my schedule, but it’s building my schedule around it.

Want to do something about it? Fill out the Dream On commitment, or visit the serve page to find ways to serve the church, community and world!

Click here to view the video version of the message from this week!