A Great Life is Faithful in Both Success & Suffering | Have a Great Life

A Great Life is Faithful in Both Success & Suffering | Have a Great Life

Through a long and winding and often puzzling journey in the book of Genesis, God never forgets the promises he made and Joseph never forgets what he was made for. As a result, all the world was blessed.

Joseph had a great life, but it didn’t come without its own set of challenges. Without pain and suffering. And as we continue to face the the challenges of living through our own history with COVID-19, you may be asking yourself some of the same questions many of us would have asked Joseph during this time.

Will I make it through adversity? Will my faith endure through pain? Will I trust God in the dark? Will God shine light into my life?

Many of us are still wondering those things -- we’re still in the pit. And what we’re finding in Joseph’s story so far has brought encouragement…

A great life is not faithful through suffering ON THE WAY TO success. A great life is faithful through suffering AND success. Whatever comes.