What's Your Pathway? | Stayin' Alive

You don't choose the same medicine for every ailment, yet that's pretty much what most Christians do when it comes to our spiritual health. We can feel sort of stuck in a single way that we've selected on how to stay alive to God. But is that the only way?

After awhile certain things we choose don't meet our needs any longer. The very thing that originally was supposed to help you connect and stay close to God, actually could start to take you further away. Even when you find something that works for you, there comes a time when you have to change it up. God doesn't make us cookie cutters. We all have difference experiences and temperaments, personalities and pathways. We all draw near to God in different ways, through different pathways. How do you do choose to draw near to God? What is your pathway?

Click here to view the video version of the message from this week.